bull shark is also known as the Ground Shark, Cub Shark
or Zambezi. It's defining physical characteristics include
a stout body, short snout and a triangular serrated teet
row in its upper jaw. The Bull Shark can also grow to be
anywhere between 7 and 11 feet in length and weigh upwards
of 500 pounds. But it can also be 200 pounds when fully
grown depending on the food available during it's physical
development phase.
It's Diet includes all types of fish including other sharks
and rays, turtles, birds, dolphins and mollusks. Just like
all other sharks it can eat anything if it is hungry enough.
It is often found close to shore and can even live in fresh
water for short periods of time. It is often seen in rivers
and lakes close to the ocean. They have been found 1750
miles up the Mississippi River and 2500 miles up the Amazon