Storks are very strong fliers. Just like
flamingos they fly with their neck out and their feet behind
their tail. They also fly in wedge-shaped formations. Contrary
to popular belief, they only carry babies with one diaper
and basket when they deliver them. There have been some
recent television commmercials that show them carrying everything
including cribs clothes and strollers. This simply isn't
true. Most storks can grow to about 3 feet high and have
a wingspan of about 4 feet.
The stork has long broad wings and it's long beak turns
grey as the animal reaches full size. Their beak is long
so the stork can grab its prey in the water while still
keeping its head above water. They also have long legs for
wading through shallow waters. The lifespan for the stork
is about 20 years in captivity. Most storks eat, frogs,
tadpoles, fish, crabs and aquatic insects. They feed in
small groups in shallow ponds or marshes.