wildebeest graze on short grass and it can be any type of
shortgrass. It feeds on the shortgrass the other animals
have trouble eating, this is its evolutionary advantage.
Wildebeest are often seen with other herbivours such as
the Impala or the Zebra. This animal is a herd animal and
relys on mutual protection from its other members in the
herd. Females and the young are found in groups of up to
100 animals while the males live in bachelor herds.
During hot days they will seek shade and they lay down and
sleep most nights. Although they have been known to graze
in the moonlight. They are easily spooked and will run away
right away. The breeding season is between April and June,
males establish territories and collect the females for
breeding. The females also give birth with their herd for
added protection. Young males leave the herd at the age
of two.